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Crypto Crisis: Education Edition Digital Download


Updated: Mar 14, 2020

About This Game This is a simplified and easier to play version of the original Crypto Crisis that has been designed for a younger audience and more casual players.Principal Trotter and technology teacher Kieran are trying to build the school of the future. They have asked you to help them raise the necessarily funds to do so. It's early 2009, what could be a better way to raise funds than mine Bitcoin? It won't be easy though; compete for and increase your share of block rewards by building and upgrading your mining rigs while carefully managing your resources.Content & Features: Track your progress by unlocking incremental milestones Relive Bitcoin history with a closely simulated Bitcoin network which utilises historical data Compete for and increase your share of block rewards by building, upgrading, optimising and overclocking your mining rigs Carefully manage the energy consumption and heat output of your mining rigs; the more energy you use the higher your electricity bill will be Sell now or HODL? Earn money by selling your Bitcoin on the market As you progress in your mining career move to new maps to unlock additional space and resources Keep upgrading your mining rigs with periodic releases of new chassis, CPUs, GPUs and ASICs Buy and upgrade utility equipment to help you manage energy consumption and heat output Mining and network statistics help you keep a track of your progress and how well you are performing versus your competitors Financial breakdown statistics help you determine where all of your resources are being spent 4 navigable 3D maps which update as you build and upgrade your mining rigs 20+ chassis types 15+ utility equipment types 170+ CPU/GPU/ASIC parts 7aa9394dea Title: Crypto Crisis: Education EditionGenre: Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Armoured BeansPublisher:Armoured BeansRelease Date: 18 Feb, 2019 Crypto Crisis: Education Edition Digital Download Build (19/03/15 v3) - Default Public Build (Stable) update: Good day Off-roaders,In this update being made live later today, we are providing fixes to the previous iteration 'Build (09/03/15 v2)'.***IMPORTANT: Unfortunately this update will cause players to lose saves. We are working hard to solve this issue in the near future, but until then I am forced to give ample warning that your in-game progress will be lost***This build will be made live at 5:00pm UTC - This is an advanced notification allowing players time to backup their files, etc. Until the issue mentioned above is solved, it would be advisable to players who do not wish to lose their saves to turn off automatic updates or to do the following in Steam: Right-click Spintires > Properties > Updates > Click drop-down box under Automatic Updates > Select Only update this game when I launch it  Here is the changelog:19/03/15-trailer attach socket not overlapping winch attach socket-mud made firmer-camera moved closer-MP body sync issue fixed-stereo 3d mode GUI made 2d-game version update issues fixed-chromatic abberation limited to camera shakes & roof camera. DEV Update 22.10.14: Hello Off-roaders,As some of you may have seen on the Oovee forum, the update has been pushed back by a few days - to a new date of Monday 27th October.The main reason for the decision to delay the release of the update, was to allow for mod support to be implemented correctly and to ensure that it functions how it should.We also have a little surprise for you all as well - the surprise is something that has been requested for quite some time, so some of you may know what it is - but we will see who gets it.Happy off-roading everyone!. Investigating game crashing bug: Hello everyone, We are aware that some (or all) of you are experiencing game crashes. With confirmation from many players on the Steam forum also, we are trying to find the source of the issue with hopes to resolve it as soon as possible. While we are struggling to replicate the crashing issue at the present moment - with the game running on multiple machines at this present time, we have experienced two instances of a crash so far during the replication process. We are working hard to resolve the issue and are currently viewing all possibilities. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused to those trying to play and hope to find a resolution soon. We will try to keep you updated as and when we make any headway.. Hotfix 19.06.2014: Valued Customers,We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing and showing great interest in SPINTIRES, the response we have had has been overwhelming! After reviewing and monitoring the issues reported, we are pleased to announce that a Hotfix is now available.This update fixes the following issue(s):- Vehicle wheels becoming stuck under the map (described here understand the importance of updating our platform and therefore we endeavour to provide regular updates. This is an example of a small bug fix, but we have plans for large scale updates in the coming week, including "camera" improvements (as largely requested). Happy Offroading!Oovee Game Studios.. DEV191215 - Update for the holidays: Good day off roaders, I am sure you have all realised that the last update was at the beginning of November - but with a lot of work being carried out and it being spent between ironing out more bugs on the update, fixing the truck editor and developing the map editor, it has been a challenge. Well, at this point, we are testing the map editor and it will be made available once some errors and bugs are removed as it seems to crash and spark error messages regularly. I know a lot of you will be saying "I don't care, just give me the map editor" - but then it is down to us to gather all of the bugs posted by everyone, syphoning through a lot of posts saying the same thing and then it all has to be posted on our bug tracking facility. Some of you may think that would be great, but it is not justifiable for us, especially with our own testers posting on our bug tracking facility also.  While we are on the subject of the editor, despite everyone having seen it already, I will officially announce it here - the truck editor is officially available to the owners of Spintires. I see so many of your are enjoying the workshop element now included in the game - we are quite impressed with some of the creations that are being uploaded. We are currently looking to create a 'certified scheme' which will allow mods that really draw our attention to become certified by us - new players will be able to see which mods are the full package and are finished at a high quality. This will also give us the chance to engage more with our customers on the modding side, as they will see that we are taking a great interest in what hard work they have been putting in. Here, today - I give to you the changelog for the latest update:  16/12/15- dont allow user maps for lobbies with "active achievements"- minor map fixes. An official word plus exciting news...: Announcement made by Zane Saxton"Comrade’s, We would like to apologise for the recent time-bomb related bug that prevented you from playing Spintires, it was totally unacceptable and we appreciate the frustration it must have caused you. A member of our community named ‘Localhost’ along with our Moderators had kindly provided you with a temporary fix that you could use whilst we continued to produce the official fix. Luckily we have now identified and fixed the bug which was not sabotage like some of the media suspected. The bug was identified by Pavel when running an older test build side-by-side with a newer build - it turns out it was some code that Pavel had invented to try and deal with piracy and DRM issues. Pavel explains here: “bug was related to self-checks that which I tried to invent myself to prevent the game from being pirated and modded”. After the recent media speculations, it’s entirely up-to-you if you will believe such a story or not. However, with that said, we accept responsibility for not communicating with our community as much as we should have and perhaps if we had done so, the guesswork by the media wouldn't have been steered so negatively. It was interesting to read the conspiracy theories about sabotage from the media though, especially when an unnamed media outlet clearly announced they haven’t even contacted Oovee at all about the subject. It does highlight the fact you should only consider official statements directly from the Oovee forum or website as true. We would like to take the opportunity to thank our moderators and members who supported us during these difficult times, your actions do not go unnoticed. Now it’s time to move onto something more positive… Behind the dense forests, swampy lakes (or big black twisters) we have been working hard to secure a deal with a partner, and it is with great pleasure we can now announce that Spintires will be coming to both Xbox One and PS4 expected to arrive early 2017. If you are not a fan of consoles, do not fear - it is also good news for our PC fans since it now means we will be expanding the development team for that platform as well! It may have taken us some time to secure and announce such a deal but work has already commenced and in the next few months you will hear more details about the ports and additional updates for the PC platform too. Many thanks for your continued support, love and inspiration. Zane Saxton, and everyone from Oovee.". First News on our recent meeting: As some of you are aware last weekend we had a few days of meetings between Oovee and Pavel in Cyprus. We also had the privilege to meet someone we expect to join the dev team shortly, which will greatly improve our development processes. Here is a summary of what was talked about, some will be worked on more before our next meeting in May and we will update you all again then.It was agreed that we all meet more often, next meeting already arranged - May.In future updates bug fixes will take priority over new features.We are expanding the team we have both for the Oovee division of Spintires and for the development team. This will allow faster, better development of Spintires, our support and service to our customers.We are reviewing and planning to implement an effective QA system using specialized software and trained testers. The advantages to this includes better build quality, along with an improved and efficient schedule with set time frames to process all builds which will mainly be monthly except for urgent fixes.Game saves is being looked at with a view to implement a proper system, so at the very least updates don't break your history. With explaining from a gamers point of view, Pavel understands that this hold some priority.We promised mod support by now. After a long talk, Pavel felt that what we could release now would not be what you guys really want or need - nor would it's quality be up to standard. Therefore we are pushing it back by a month to allow for correct implementation and to work out some of the other kinks, for example: researching and investigating the ability to link Steam Workshop and non-Steam mods in game. The outcome will be a system that works properly and will reward you for all your patience. We will release more information on exactly what this will be and what you can do with it in the next week or 2 As well as some screenshotsWe have discussed Spintires 2 in detail, with the foundations of a basic plan. This plan will be formulated and expanded upon over the next few weeks, in preparation for our next meeting. The next meeting should be just as productive, with more to be done and a lot of paperwork to be prepared between now and then.. v10.04.19m (beta) available to Everyone!: We are pleased to announce that build v10.04.19m is now available to everyone. You may have already downloaded it, but if you haven't, follow these instructions. / New FeaturesDynamic rain with associated water refraction effects (iteration 1). Dynamic wind with dust effects (iteration 1). Engine sounds properly based on RPM, with engine fan and turbo.Brand new engine audio for all trucks (except T700, more replacement engine audio to come later)Added tire buzz sound.Added steering pump sound.Added engine hot cool-down ticking sound.Added brake dragging sound.Added brake squeal sound.Brand new environment, ambient and interaction audio.Added submerged exhaust particle effectsReinstated FeaturesDynamic tire tracks and mud clumpsSSAO effectsWater push effectsWater dripping particle effectsImprovements / AdjustmentsGame palette improved to offer a more realistic (warmer) game rendering.All ground textures renewed.Mud/water resistance and friction values adjusted to be closer to that of the original release (more challenging).Camera zoom out range increased.Camera auto zoom removed (except on stations).Steering doesn’t turn the camera anymore.Improved UI, menu and localisation.Doubled winch length.Depth-of-field reduced.Fog reduced in most cases.Improved headlights and light rays.Reduced eye-adaption effects.Improved damaged engine particle effects.Improved gear ratios and general handling of all vehicles (except T700).Improved day/night presetsBrighter night (moonlight)Improved rock friction for better rock climbingIncreased mud, grass, and vegetation rendering distance. Removed gear crunching unless engine damaged.FixesRemoved unobtainable achievement (trespasser)Utility semi-trailer light was misplaced


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