Secrets of the Psalms by GODFREY SELIG Lectotetand PoblithetAfragment of the practical kabala, with e1tracts from otherkabalistic writings, as translated by the Author CopyrightI88ZDorene Publishing Co., Inc. Arlington, TA 7b004/ rhttreserved. No rt cJ tbit book my bt reproduced in any form or by anymeans, wirhour permiss1on in wrriflfrom tht publisher. L_hIh tnIn_..................J8nu8ty, T99Urtint in L.. ."When thou hast shutthe door and darkened thy room, say not to thyself that thou artalive, God is in the room." -Epictetus "The act of praying is thevery highest energy of what the human mind is capable." L Lord,keep me sensitive to the grace that is around me. May the familiarnot be neglected. May I see thy goodness in my daily bread, and maythe comfort of my home take my thoughts to the mercy seat of God."It is a great art to commune with God." -Thomas A. Kempis Keepyourself in the love of God. "He loves everyone as though therewere but one of us to love." -St. Augustine `11` L1 11 `T1^`TABLEOF CONTENTS Psalm for woman who is pregnant .... . Psalm fordangerous confinement .... . Psalm for danger at sea or storm ...... Psalm for severe headache or backache ......... . Psalm for luck. . . ....... . Psalm for court cases .. Psalm to heal diseases ofthe eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Psalm forcross condition and to overcome enemies plotting against you .. .Psalm to be successful in business .. . Psalm to cure male children............... . 99J0J0J0JJJ2J2J3J3Psalm to overcome an evilspirit. . . . . . . ................... . ... J4Psalm to overcomefear and stop persecution ....... . Psalm to overcome persecutinginfluences. . ........... . Psalm to protect from bodily sufferingsand unnatural death .... . Psalm to become free from slander andmistrust ... Psalm against insanity or melancholy moods . Psalm tofind out name of robbers ..... . Psalm to turn sorrow into joy........ . Psalm to keep secure from all evil ...... . Psalm if youare about to be attacked .. . Psalm for a protracted and dangerousconfinement Psalm to become free from danger and suffering ... .Psalm for danger at sea . . . . . . . ....... . Psalm to keep allmisfortune ay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ....... . Psalm to receive instruction or fnformationthrough a dream or vision. Psalm to escape danger of floods. . . .. . . . . . . . ........ . Psalm for someone to undergo severeimprisonment ... . Psalm to receive hospitality....... . .......... Psalm to become reconciled with your enemy .. . Psalm to cast outan evil spirit . . . . . . ....... . Psalm to be safe from all eviloccurrences. Psalm to escape vexation. . . . . . . . Psalm toreceive grace, love and mercy ..... . Psalm to keep children alive. . . . .. Psalm to have high people receive you favorably .. Psalmfor a law suit ...... . Psalm against all libel........................ . Psalm for anyone who drank too much .... Psalm if the law is taking measures to punish you .. Psalm tofree yourself from evil spirits . . . - . . . ............ . Psalmif enemies have made you lose money and have caused you to bemistrusted. . . .......... . Psalm to become safe from enemies . .. . . . . ................. . Psalm for making up between man andwife ...J4J4J4J515J5J5JbJ7J7JJJJ9J9J9J9202020202J2J2J2J2222222222232323Psalm to make yourself be believed by your fellowmen. Psalm toovercome fever in a member of your family . .... 23Psalm to receivegood after committing a heavy sin .... . Psalm to free yourselffrom slander . . . . . . . . . ....... . Psalm to revenge yourselffrom secret enemies ... . Psalm to free yourself from the influenceof passion .. . Psalm to make yourself fortunate in any of yourundertakings ... . Psalm to prevent harm when a vicious dog attacksyou .............. . Psalm to make yourself safe from beingpossessed with evil. . ........ . Psalm to make soldiers safe frominjury . . . ............. . Psalm to make your home lucky. . ....*......... . Psalm to receive holy blessings..... ...................... . Psalm to overcome trouble, and loss frombusiness partners ... . Psalm for those travelling at sea, to makethemselves safe a"nd free from all accidents ............ . Psalmto become fortunate in all undertakings Psalm when possessed withan evil spirit .................. . Psalm for severe imprisonmentan fever caused by evil influence . Psalm to free yourself from theslavery of sensuousness and to conquer enemies ........ . Psalm toreceive power liberating one from prison .. Psalm to make yourselfforever safe from poverty ... AND MANY L1HlKSJ50 Psalms of David(King James Version) beginning at page422424252525252b2b2b2b2727272727222INTRODUCTION It cannot be deniedthat true, wi se and enl i ghtened Kabal ists l ived at one ti me,and that some sti l l l ive. But such do not wander from pl ace topl ace, offeri ng thei r art for sale, in order that they mayaccumul ate weal th, but they are sati sfied to remai n quietl y in the pi l l ared pal ace of Sol omon, where they are constantl yemployed i n gatheri ng di vi ne wi sdom, so that (as they expressi t), they may fi nal ly become worthy to recei ve the hi dden gifts from above. I mysel f know such a man, who obtai ned exalted wisdom from the Kabal a, and who, notwithstandi ng his extremepoverty, never undertakes a kabal i st i c process for money. WhenI once asked hi m why he refused to wri te a desi red amulet for anoble lord, he offered hi m a l arge sum for hi s services, heanswered me wi th an adage from the wel l-known Pi rke Awoth (Extract or Fragment from the Father): "Dei tschtammasch BetaggoChalof," that is to say, "whosoever accepts the crown for hi sreward, wi l l peri sh suddenly. Not for al l the money in theworld woul d I do such a thi ng. But i f I can assist my needy neighbor therewi th, then I wi l l do what I can, trusti ng i nthe_omni potence of the Most Holy, without looki ng for a reward.For my necessary support I do not feel any concern, for the Al mighty has methods to support me i f I trust in Hi m. Why, he evencares for the sparrow." It is Parti cul arl y remarkable that thegreatest and most genui ne Kabal ists of the Jewi sh nati on werenearl y al l fol l owers and di sci ples of the blessed Savi our ofthe world, and they are so sti l l , as I can prove satisfactorily, by numerous passages from thei r wri ti ngs and prayers. Letthis suffi ce for thi s one ki nd of men. But that Kabal ists l iveand sti l l l ive, who engage i n experiments, and who performedwonderful works, and who wi l l yet do wonderf ul thi ngs, i s also an undeni able fact, unless we are prepared to condemn al l thatwas ever said upon this subject by renowned men of wi sdom. Thecelebrated and wel l-known Prussi an Hussar, Lord of Archenwooddecl ares, in a descri pti on of London, that there l i ves a manin that city, whose name is Doctor Fal con, who is known to be agreat Kabal i st, and who i s vi si ted and consul ted by the mosthonorable and i ntel l i gent people of London. He states further,that thi s same Dr. Fal con, l ived not very long si nce i nBrussel s under the name of J ude Chayl i m, Schmul Ful k, whoaccordi ng to the evi dence of the French Duke of Nancy, i n hi spubl ished memoi rs of kabal istic processes, performed the mostastoni shi ng feats. I confi dentl y hope and trust, and I canassert wi thout hesi tati on, that my l ittle book cannot have atendency to foster supersti ti on. Take i t for granted that one ofmy readers shoul d choose to empl oy one of the methods descri bedi n these pages in order to ad:ompl i sh a desi red object, hiseagerness to satisfy curi osi ty wi l l soon di sappear when hetakes i nto consideration the hard terms and strict moral i ty which are requi red to avai l hi msel f to them in order to deri veany benefi t or be successful in thei r use. Before concl udi ng mypreface, i t i s necessary to gi ve the reader some i nstructionconcerni ng the arrangement of thi s vol ume. We fi nd in it, for instance, si ngle words, names, sentences, and i ndeed enti reexperi ments, 4 pri nted i n the Hebrew and Chal dean l anguages.Thi s fact shoul d not prevent any one from purchasi ng the book.Because al l the words pri nted i n Hebrew and Chal daie, which arei ntended to be i mpressed upon the mi nd, are al so pri nted i n Engli sh i n pl ai n terms, and they have been careful l y translated. So far as the Hebrew passages are concerned, the meani ng ofeach passage and experi ment fol l ows i mmedi ately i n Engl ish,or i t i s pl aced beneath the Hebrew expressi on. I have made this arrangement in compl i ance wi th a request from a number ofpromi nent persons, to make sure that the transl ation is genui neand correct. The chapter and verses of Holy Scri pture, where al lpassages quoted may bfJound, are al so correctl y recorded. F O REWO R D Extract from the preface of the Kabalistic Publisher I t isuni versal l y known and acknowledged, that we are named after themost hol y name of the Ruler of the Worl d and that we recei ve thehol y decal ogue or the written law from hi m. I t i s further well known that i n additi on to the laws which he gave to Mosesengraved upon stone, he al so gave to hi m certai n verbal l aws,by which, through hi s protracted stay upon the mountai n Si nai ,where al l Doctri nes, expl anati ons of mysteries, hol y names ofGod and the angel s, and parti cul arl y how to appl y thi sknowledge to the best i nterest of man, were entrusted to hi m. All these doctri nes whi ch God Jronounced good, but whi ch were notgeneral l y made known, and whi ch i n the course of ti me were called the Kabal a, or Traditi ons, Moses communicated, dur i ng hi slife, to J oshua, hi s successor. J oshua handed them over to theel ders, the el ders gave them to the j udges, and from them to themen of the great synagogue, and these gave them unto the wise men,and so the Kabal a was handed down from one to the other-from mouthto mouth-to the present day: Therefore do we know that i n theThora are many names of the Most High and his angel s, besi desdeep mysteries, whi ch may be appl ied to the wel fare of man, butwhich, on account of the perverseness of humanity and to guard against their abuse, have been hidden from the great mass of human beings. Everythi ng that I have here stated i s as clear as the sunand needs no further proof. and i t i s equal l y clear and incontroverti ble that Al l -merci ful gave the Thora i n the beginni ng to promote man at the same ti me. Therefore has God endowedthe best i nterests of the soul and the body of her with exal tedtalents, powers and vrrtues that, wi th a rati onal use of her, manmay protect hi msel f from danger when no other hel p is at handand save hi msel f s i mpl y by utteri ng the words of the Li vi ngGod. On thi s account, the expressi on, "For i t is thy l i fe,"occurs frequentl y in the Thora. And Sol omon says i n hi sProverbs, vi 22: "When thou goest it shal l lead thee, and whenthou sleepest it shal l keep thee." That the Psal ms and the Thoraare equal i n hol i ness and worthi ness, wi l l not be cal led i nquesti on. Our wi se men decl are, "He who wi l l dai ly l ive closer to God, who deserves to uni te hi s soul wi th Hi m, and whois wi l l i ng to l ive i n the cl osest communi cati on with hi m,shoul d often pray the Psal ms, with fervor and devoti on. Happy is the man who does thi s dai ly and hourly, for hi s reward wi l lbe great." The Psal ms are formed and 3di vi ded i nto fi ve books,just l i ke the Thora. We can, therefore, i mpl i citl y trust i nthe doctrines of the enl i ghtened Kabalists, when they assert thatthe Almighty accorded equal tal ents and powers to the Psal ms ashe di d to the Thora, and that i n them many names of the Most HighMajesty of God and hi s angel s, besi des, many mysteries, arehidden. Yet, dear reader, you must not doubt. Through a pi ous life and by a rati onal use of the Psal ms you may obtai n the graceof God, the favor of pri nces and magi strates and the l ove ofyour fel l ow-men. You wi l l be enabl ed to promote your ownwelfare. That thi s i s aft true, the contents of the prayer, wi thwhi ch we end each Psal m, and whi ch we are i n duty bound topray, wi l l ampl y demonstrate. But the correctness of i t i s also establ ished by the teachi ngs of the Tal mud and of the ol d wise men, who assure us, that many of our famous forefathers avai ledthemselves of apparentl y supernatural means from ti me to ti me,to protect thei r best i nterests. The truth of thi s I can establi sh by the most trustworthy wi tnesses; yea, coul d even menti onsome great men, who by a proper use of the Psal ms, performed greatworks. Such examples are rare. let it suffi ce. I present you wi tha few passages out of standard books, through whi ch you wil lbecome ful l y convi nced that the Al mighty has gi ven hi srevealed word true and unexampl ed talents and power, and that, inan extreme case of necessi ty, we are permi tted to make use of this gi ft of God, for our own and our neighbor' s welfare. As forexample, to cast out evi l spi rits; to rel ieve deep mel ancholyand to cure grievous di sease; to set free pri soners who have beeni mpri soned; to arrest and res i st enemies, opponents, murderersand hi ghway robbers: to quench the fiercest fi res; to resi st floods of water, to defend i nnocence and to reveal i t; and tofoster good fortune, wel l-bei ng and peace in a general manner.Read the treati se on thi s subject, of the excellent Rabbi Sc.hinmschon bar Abraham, i n hi s book entitled, "Responsi onesRaschaba." Exami ne the words of the enl i ghtened Rabbi J ochananben Sackas in thi s Treati se of the Tal mud and Senhedri n, Chap.2, where he treats of magi cal conj urati ons, and where he assertsand proves, that i t i s al lowed, i n dangerous and i ncurable diseases, to make use of words and passages i n the Hol y Scri pturefor thei r cure. You wi l l f i nd more or less si mi l arreferences i n the treati se of Sabbath i n the Tal mud, as well asi n the Responsoni bus, by Zemach, son of Si moni s, i n whi ch theNi nety-second Psal m, with certai n prescri ptions added, are highl y recommended as a certai n Jl eans to avoid sufferi ng anddanger, even i n case of war, fi re and si mi l ar i nstances,enabl i ng us to escape unharmed, free, secure and wi thout hindrance. Under such happy ci rcumstances, i t i s surely ri ght andproper, that such wholesome knowledge, whi ch up to thi s day wasknown but to a few men, and then onl y the learned, was yet free toal l , but found onl y i n the l i braries and cabi nets of thegreat, although not general ly known, shoul d at least, i n somedegree, be brought to l ight. Si nce, however, I cannot gai n myobject i n any other way than gi vi ng these pages to the worl d in a pri nted form, and si nce they wi l l unavoidabl y 6 fal l into unclean hands, I feel mysel f constrai ned, in order to preventan unworthy use of them, to extend thi s preface, whi ch mi ghtotherwi se, very properl y have ended here, i n l ayi ng down a fewrul es and l i mits. Do not, however, be di scouraged for I am really endeavoring to promote your best i nterests and shiel d you fromharm. 1. I f you are wi l l i ng to avai l yoursel f of the means indi cated, I want you to attempt i t in a case of extreme necessity, and when there i s no other hel p at hand. ^2. If thi s be so,i n experi menti ng, pl ace your trust i n the goodness and powerof the Most High and ever blessed God, upon whom you may perhapshave hi therto cal led under an unknown hol y name. 3. The ordained Psal m, for thi s or the other undertaki ng, besi des theappropriate prayer, you must pray wi th a broken, contrite heart toGod, and i n addition to thi s keep i n mi nd the added hol y namewi th i ts letters, whi ch are gi ven the wi se Kabal ists. At thesame ti me you must have your undertaking conti nual ly before youreyes. 4. I must say to you, i f you wish to console yoursel f withthis hel p, that you must l ive in such a manner that no crime orwi l lf ul s i n can trouble your conscience, for it is wel lknown, that the prayer of the ungodl y is not acceptable to God.And herewi th I commi t you to the protection of the Most Hi gh. 7`11` L1 11 `T1^`USE OF THE PSALMS Those who bel ieve in theefficacy of prayer and a recital of the Psalms while burni ng incense, usi ng Sanctuary Oi l or Hol y Oi l , may i f they wi shread and apply the fol l owi ng. ADMONITION OF THE TRANSLATORBefore I proceed further wi th the transl ati on of the Psal ms, itis necessary to i nsert in thi s pl ace an admoni ti on, which theauthor, who wrote onl y for hi s own nati on, deemed unnecessary,and which, nevertheless, shoul d be addressed to every one. "Eachhuian bei ng," says the celebrated Kabali st, Rabbi I saac Loriga,"except only the ignorant idol ater, can by a pious and vi rtuousli fe enter i nto the consecrated temple of the true Kabala, andcan avail hi msel f of its benefi ts wi thout bei ng able to speakor understand the Hebrew Language. He can pray, read and wri teeverythi ng i n hi s mother tongue; onl y the holy name of God andthe angel s that may occur i n the experi ment, must, under al l circumstances, be written and retai ned in the mi nd i n the Hebrewtongue (for they must in no case be uttered), because, on thecontrary, a wrong di rection mi ght otherwise easi ly be given tothe experi ment, and consequentl y i t woul d lose al l its hol iness, work and effi ciency." With thi s pronunci ati on we must all be wel l satisfied, and, therefore, I must wri te al l si mi l arwords and names, from letters of whi ch the holy names are taken, in Hebrew. I n order, however, that the reader may read al l si mi lar occurri ng names and words i n hi s mi nd and retai n them, Ihave wri tten al l the Hebrew words wi th Engl i sh letterstogether wi th thei r meani ng. PSALM FOR WOMAN WHO IS PREGNANTPSALM FOR DANGEROUS CONFINEMENT PSALM 1 . -When a woman i spregnant and fears a premature del ivery, or a dangerous confinement, she shoul d wri te or cause to be wri tten on a piece ofparchment prepared from the pure ski n of a deer, the three fi rstverses of the above Psal m, together wi th the hi dden holy nameand appropri ate prayer contai ned herei n, and pl ace i t i n asmal l bag made expressl y for that purpose, and suspend i t by astri ng about the neck, so that the bag wi l l rest agai nst herbody. The holy name is cal led Eel Chad, whi ch si gni fies, great,strong, onl y God, and i s taken from the four foll owi ng words:Aschre, verse 1; Lo, verse 4; J atzl i ach, verse 3;1Vederech,verse 6. 9 The prayer is as fol lows: May i t pl ease thee, C, EelChad, to grant unto this woman, N. , daughter of R. , that she maynot at thi s ti me, or at any other ti me, have a premature confinement; much more grant unto her a trul y fortunate del ivery, andkeep her and the frui t of her body in good heal th. Amen! Sel ah!PSALM FOR DANGER AT SEA OR STORM PSALM 2. -Shoul d you be exposedto danger in a storm at sea, and your l i fe threatened, then recite thi s Psal m wi thout del ay and wi th becomi ng reverence, andthi nk respectf ul ly of the hol iest name contai ned therei n,namel y Scadde i (whi ch means, mi ghty God), then i mmedi atelyutter the prayer bel ongi ng thereto, aner whi ch wri te everything together on a fragment of a pot, and in f ul l confi dence inthe Omni potent, who fixes the boundary of the sea and restrai nsits power, throw it i nto the foami ng waves, and you wi l l seemarvel ous wonders, for the waves wi l l i nstantl y cease thei rroari ng and the storm wi l l be l ul led. The words, the lettersof whi ch consti tute thi s hol y name, are taken from Rageschu,verse 1; Nosseu, verse 2; and J oses, verse 9. The prayer i s asfol l ows: "Let it be, Oh, Schadei ! ( Al mi ghty God!) Thy holy wil l , that the ragi ng of the storm and the roari ng of the wavesmay cease, and that the proud bi l lows may be the pl ace of ourdesti nati on in safety and in good ti me sti l led. Lead us, Oh,al l merci ful Father, to heal th, for only wi th Thee is power andmi ght. Thou al one canst hel p, thus Thou wi l t surel y hel p tothe honor and gl ory of Thy name. Amen! Sel ah! Thi s Psal m i s also an effectual remedy agai nst a ragi ng headache. The di recti onis as fol lows: Wri te the fi rst ei ght verses of thi s Psal mtogether wi th the hol y name and appropri ate prayer, upon pureparchment, and hang i t upon the neck of the patient; then prayover hi m the Psal m wi th the prayer arranged for it. Do thi s inhumble devoti on, and the sufferer wi l l be rel ieved. PSALM FORSEVERE HEADACHE OR BACKACHE PSALM 3. -Whosoever i s subject tosevere headache and backache, let hi m pray thi s Psal m, wi th theleadi ng hol y names and appropri ate prayer contai ned therei n,over a smal l quanti ty of ol ive oi l , anoi nt the head or backwhi le i n the act of prayer. Thi s wi l l afford i mmedi ate relief. The hol y name i s, Adon (Lord), and is found in the words,Weatta, verse 3; Baadi , verse 3; Hekizoti , verse 5; and Hascheini, verse 7. The prayer is as fol lows: Adon ( Lord) of the worl dmay it pl ease thee to be my physi ci an and hel per. Heal me andrel ieve me from my severe headache and backache, because I can find hel p onl y wi th Thee, ana onl y wi th Thee i s counsel andacti on to be found. Amen! -Sel ah-Sel ah! PSALM FOR LUCK PSALM 4.-I f you have been unl ucky hi therto, in spi te of every effort,then you shoul d pray thi s Psal m three ti mes before the ri si ngof the Sun, wi th 1 0 humi l i ty and devotion, whi l e at the sameti me you shoul d i mpress upon your mi nd i ts rul i ng holy name,and each ti me the appropriate prayer, trusti ng i n the help ofthe mi ghty lord, wi thout whose wi l l not the least creature canperi sh. Proceed i n person to extricate your contempl atedundertaki ng, and al l thi ngs wi l l resul t to your entire satisfacti on. The holy name i s cal l ed: J i heje, (He i s and wi l lbe), and i s composed of the four letters of the words. Teppi l lanti , verse 2; Sel ahfi , verse 5; Jehovah, verse 5; andToschiweni , verse 9; the prayer i s as fol l ows: May i t pl easeThee, oh J i heje, to prosper my ways, steps, and doi ngs. Grantthat my desi re may be amply ful fi l led, and l et my wi shes besati sfi ed even thi s day, for the sake of Thy great, mi ghty andprai seworthy name. Amen! -Sel ah! I f you wi sh to accompl i sh anundertak-g by or through another, proceed in al l thi ngs as already stated above, wi th thi s excepti on: you must change theprayer as fol lows: let me fi nd grace, favor and mercy i n theeyes of N. , son of R., so that he may grant my peti ti on, etc.Agai n, i f you have a cause to bri ng before hi gh magi strates orpri nces, you must pray thi s Psal m and the cl osi ng prayerarranged for it, seven ti mes in successi on before the ri si ng ofthe sun. BY THE TRANSLATOR I must be permi tted in thi s pl ace toi nsert another cauti on. When it i s N. , son or daughter of N. ,it must be understood that we must fi rst menti on the name of theperson by whom we wi sh to be served, and afterward the name of his mother, as, for exampl e, I saac, son of Sarah, or Di nah,daughter of leah. PSALM FOR COURT CASES PSALM 5. -I f you have business to transact wi th your magi strates or wi th your pr inces,and desire to obtai n their speci al favor, then pray thi s Psal mearly at the ri si ng of the sun and i n the eveni ng at sunset. Dothi s three ti mes over pure ol ive oil, whi l e at the same ti meyou thi nk unceasi ngl y, upon the holy name of Chananj ah (merciful God), anoi nt your face, hands and feet with the oi l and say:Be merci ful unto me, for the sake of Thy great, adorabl e and holyname. Chananj ah, turn the heart of my pri nce to me, and grantthat he may regard me wi th grace. Amen! -Sel ah! -The holy name is found i n the words; Chapez, verse 5; Nechi ni , verse 9;Nechona, verse 10; Hadi chemo, verse 1 2; and Kazi nna, verse 1 4.Sti l l another pecul i ari ty of thi s Psal m i s, when you fi ndnotwithstandi ng the utmost i ndustry and case, your busi ness doesnot prosper, and you have reason to fear that an evi l star, spi rit or desti ny i s opposi ng you, then pr ay thi s Psal m dai ly,even to the l ast verse wi th great devoutness, and you wi l l soonfi nd yoursel f in more favourabl e circumstances. +PSALM TO HEALDISEASE OF THE EYE PSALM 6. -Wit h thi s Psal m al l di seases of the eye may be heal ed. Read t he Psal m for three days successi vely, and pray the prescri bed prayer seven t imes sl owl y i n a l owtone, and wi th devot ion, and wi th thi s keep cont i nual ly i nyour mi nd t he hol y name of J aschaj ah (whi ch means hel p i swi th t he Lord); bel i eve wit hout a doubt that t he Lord can andwi l l hel p you. The prayer i s as fol l ows: J ehovah, my Father,may it pl ease Thee, for t he sake of t he great, mi ghty, hol yand adorabl e name, J eschaj ah Baal Hatschna, t hat is, Hel p iswith t he Lord ( for he is t he Lord of hel p, he can hel p), which name i s contai ned in t hi s Psal m, heal me from my di seases,i nfi rmit ies, and from pai n of my eyes, for t hi ne is t hepower and t he hel p, and t hou al one art mi ghty enough to hel p;of thi s I am certai n, and t herefore I t rust in t hee. Amen!Selah!-Furt her it is sai d: I f a t ravel er encounters danger by land or sea, he shal l , when t here i s no other hel p to hope for,pray thi s Psal m seven t i mes, and each ti me, wi th f ul l confidence, i n the mi ghty and sure help of the Al mi ghty, and add thereto: J eschaj an, Lord of hel p! my it be t hy hol y wi l l andpl easure to assi st me i n t hi s ext remity and to avert thi sdanger from me. Hear me for t he sake of t hy great and most hol yname, for t hi ne is the power and t he hel p. Amen! -Sel ah! -.Thefi ve letters of t hi s hol y name contai n, accordi ng to t heprayer t he words; J ehovah al , verse 2; Schuba, verse 6;Oschescha, verse 8; Bewoshn and Vej i bbahal n, verse 1 1 . PSALMFOR CROSSED CONDITION AND TO OVERCOME ENEMIES PLOTTING AGAINST YOUPSALM 7. -When evi l persons conspi re to render you unfortunate,if your enemi es watch for an opportunity to overthrow you, i f they pursue you i n order to harm you, t hen upon t he spot pray thi s Psalm and keep i n your mi nd the hol y name of Eel E l i jon,great, strong, hi ghest God! t hen throw t he dust i n t he di recti on of your enemies, utteri ng a prayer prescri bed for thi scase, and you wi l l fi nd t hat your enemi es wi l l cease t hei rpersecut i ons and leave you undi sturbed. The l etters of t he holy name are found i n t he words: Ai sher, verse 1 , Ode, verse 1 8,( accordi ng to t he order of AI, bam, and t he l etters verse 7; Jadi n, verse 9; J ashuf, \erse 1 3; E l i jon, verse 1 8). Theprayer i s as fol l ows: Oh, Eel Sl i j on! great, st rong, and highest God! may i t pl ease t hee to change t he hearts of myenemies and opposers, that they may do me good i nstead of evi l ,as t hou di dst in the days of Abraham when he cal led upon Thee byt hi s hol y name. (Gen. xi v. 22. ) Amen! -Sel ah! -If you have incurred t he i l l-wi l l of an enemy, whose cunni ng power andvengeance you have reason to fear, you shoul d f i l l a pot wit hfresh water, and pronounce over i t t he twel ve l ast verses ofthi s Psal m, namel y the words: "Ari se, J ehovah! in t hy wrath!"Pronounce t hese four t i mes, and at t he same t i me thi nk of the hol y name of Eel E l i jon, and of your enemy, and pray each ti me. "Humbl e and overt hrow, Oh! Eel E l i j on, mi ne enemy, N., son of R. , that 1 2 he may not have t he power to provoke or toi nj ure me. " Amen! After thi s prayer, pour the water upon a spotat your enemy's resi dence, or at a pl ace where he must pass overit, and by doi ng thi s you wi l l overcome hi m. I f you have acase to deci de before t he court, and you have reasons to fear anunfavorabl e or part i al verdi ct, t hen pray thi s Psal m sl owly before you appear in t he presence of t he J udge, t hi nki ng att he same t i me of Eel E l i jon and of t he ri ghteousness ofyour cause, and as you approach t he j udge pray as fol l ows: Oh,Eel E l i j on! turn t hou t he heart of the j udge to favor mybest i nterests and grant t hat I may be f ul ly j usti f ied whenI depart . Give unto my words power and strength and l et me f i ndfavor. Amen! -Sel ah! -PSALM TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS PSALM 8.-I f you wi sh to secure t he l ove and good wi l l of al l men inyour busi ness t ransact ions, you shoul d pray thi s Psal m threedays in successi on after sundown, and thi nk cont i nual ly of the Holy name of Rechmi al , whi ch si gni fies great and strong Godof love, of grace and mercy. Pronounce at each ti me t he appropriate prayer over a smal l quant ity of ol ive oi l , and anoi nt the face as wel l as the hands and feet. The letters, composi ng the hol y name are found i n the words: Addi r, verse 2; J areach,verse 4; Adam, verse 3,Mel ohi m, verse 6; Tani schi l enu, verse7. The prayer reads as fol l ows: May it pl ease t hee, Oh, Rechmial Eel , to grant that may obtai n love, grace and favour i n t heeyes of men accrdi ng to t hy hol y wi l l . Amen! -Sel ah! -PSALMTO CURE MALE CHILDREN PSALM 9. -The pri nci pal att ri bute of this Psal m accordi ng to t he precept i s, t hat i t i s an unfai l ing remedy i n t he restorat i on of mal e chi l dren, who are feeble i n healt h, when no medi ci nes and hel p are at hand. Thi sPsal m shoul d al so be prayed agai nst the power and mal i gnityof enemi es. I n t he fi rst i nstance write thi s Psal m, wit hits hol y name, upon pure parchment, wit h a new pen, and hang itaround t he pat ient's neck. Afterwards repeat the prayer wit hreverence, and t hi nk at t he same t i me of t he hol y name of Eheje Ai schu E heje, t hat i s, I am he t hat wi l l be, and uttert he fol l owi ng prayer: Al l merci ful Fat her! for t he sake oft hy mighty adorabl e and hol y name, E heje Ai scher E heje, may it pl ease t hee to take away from N. , son of R. , t he i l l ness( here name the di sease} from whi ch he suffers, and rel i eve him from hi s pai ns. Make hi m whol e i n soul , body and mi nd, andrelease hi m duri ng hi s l ife from al l pl agues, i nj ury anddanger, and be t hou his hel per. Amen. I n the second case repeatt hi s Psal m and pray devout ly: May i t be agreeabl e to t hy wil l for thy sake of t he most hol y name E heje Ai sher E heje, torel ease me from t he power of my enemi es and opposers, and toprotect me from thei r persecut i ons, as t hou once di dst protectt he Psal mi st from t he enemi es who pursued hi m. Amen ! -Selah! The letters of thi s hol y name are i n t he words: Ode, 2;Haojeff, verse 7 and verse 1 6; and in al phabet i cal order i n the At Basch. 1 3 PSALM TO OVERCOME AN EVIL SPIRIT PSALM 10. -I fany one is pl agued wit h an uncl ean, rest l ess and evi l spirit, l et hi m f i l l a new eart hen pot wit h water from t hespri ng, and in t he name of t he pat i ent, pour i nto it pure olive oi l , and pronounce over it thi s Psal m ni ne t i mes, keeping in mi nd constant ly t he adorabl e name of Eel Mez, whi chmeans Strong God of t he oppressed, and at each endi ng of t hePsal m: May it be t hy most hol y wi l l , Oh, Eel Mez, to heal the body and soul of N. , son of R. , and free hi m from al l hi spl agues and oppressi on: wi lt t hou strengt hen hi m i n soul andbody and del i ver hi m from evi l . Amen! -Sel ah -The hol y namemay be found i n t he words: Al ah, verse 6; Lamma, Anawi n, verse1 6; and Hassez, verse 1 7. PSALM TO OVERCOME FEAR AND STOPPERSECUTION PSALM 1 1 . -Whoever prays thi s Psal m dai ly wi thfeel i ngs of devot i on _ and wit h i t keeps constantl y i n mind t he hol y name of Pel e, that i s, Wonderful , and who besi desutters a suitabl e prayer to God; he wi l l be safe from al lpersecution, and wi l l not have any great evi l to fear. The holyname i s in t he words: Ofel, verse 2; Paal , verse 3; and Adam.The cl osi ng prayer may be as fol lows: Adorabl e, mi ghty and holy God Pel e: wit h t hee i s advi ce, act i on and power, and onl yt hou canst work wonders. Turn away from me al l t hat i s evi l ,aUprotect me from t he persecut i on of evi l men, for t he sake oft he Great name Pele. Amen -Sel ah. PSALM TO OVERCOME PERSECUTINGINFLUENCES PSALM 1 2. -Thi s Psal m possesses s i mi l ar power,act i on and worth as t he foregoi ng, The hol y name is Ai neel ,whi ch means Strong God! my Fat her! and i s found i n t he wordsof t he si xt h verse of Ewj oni m, Akum Lo. The prayer i s as follows: Al mighty Father, my God Ai neel ! grant t hat al l conspiraci es agai nst me may be set at naught; turn away from me al ldanger and i nj ury, and t hi ne is t he ki ngdom and t he power.Amen -Sel ah! PSALM TO PROTECT FROM BODILY SUFFERINGS AND UNNATURALDEATH 8PSALM 1 3 . -Whoever prays t he Psal m dai ly wit h devotion, toget her wi th t he proper prayer bel ongi ng t hereto, and thi nks at t he same t i me of t he powerful name of E ss ie!, t hati s, My hel p i s t he mi ghty God, wi l l be safe for t he nexttwenty-four hours from an unnatural deat h and from al l bodi l ysufferi ngs and puni shments. The prayer i s as fol l ows: Protectme accordi ng to t hy good wi l l and pl easure from vi ol ent,sudden and unnatural death, and from al l ot her evi l accidentsand severe bodi ly affl ict i ons, for t hou art my hel p and myGod, and t hi ne i s t he power and t he gl ory. Amen -Sel ah!Accordi ng to t radit i on thi s Psal m is atso a good cure fordangerous and pai nful di seases of t he eyes. The pat i ent mustprocure a pl ant t hat i s good for t he eyes, and wit h thi s mustpray thi s Psal m wit h a suitabl e prayer, t rust i ng 1 4 f irmly i n the certai n hel p of the mi ghty Essi e!, and then bi ndthe pl ant upon his eyes. The letters compos i ng this hol y nameare contai ned i n the words: E zoth, verse 3; Mismor, verse 1; Jarum, verse 3; Aneni , verse 4; Oj ewi , verse 5; and J agel, verse6. E ditor's Note: Eyebri ght herb is cons i dered very good forthe eyes when washed wi th a weak tea made of it. PSALM TO BECOMEFREE FROM SLANDER AND MISTRUST PSALM 1 4. -Whoso prays this Psal mi n chi ldl i ke fai th and trust in the most hol y name, Eelenunet, that is, the true God, or God of Truth, and prays theprayer bel ongi ng to it dai ly, wi l l fi nd favor wi th al l men,and wi l l be free from s l ander and mistrust. The prayer is asfol l ows: "May it pl ease thee, Oh! Eel sum met, to grant megrace, love and favor wi th al l men whose hel p I need. Grant,that al l may bel ieve my words, and that no s l ander may beeffective agai nst me to take away the confi dence of men. Thoucanst do this, for thou turnest the hearts of men accordi ng to thyhol y wi l l , and l i ars and sl anderers are an abomi nati on tothee. Hear me for the sake of thy name. Amen -Sel ah! The l etterscomposig this hol y name are found i n the words E l ohi m, verse1; Maski el , verse 2; Echad, verse 3; Ammi , verse 4; and Azai ,verse 6. PSALM AGAINST INSANITY OR MELANCHOLY MOODS PSALM 1 5.-Agai nst the presence of an evi l spi rit, i nsani ty and melancholy, pray this Psal m wi th the prayer bel ongi ng to it, andthe hol y name I al i whi ch means: My Lord! or the Lord, too, i smi ne, over a new pot f i l led wi th wel lwater that was drawn forthis express purpose and with this water bathe the body of thepatient. The prayer whi ch must be repeated duri ng the process ofwashi ng is as fol l ows: May it be thy wi l l , C God, to restoreN, son of R. , who has been robbed of his senses, and is grievously pl agued by the devi l , and enl ighten his mi nd for thesake of thy holy name l al i . Amen -Sel ah! The three letters ofthis hol y name are found i n the words: J agur, verse 1 ; Ragal ,verse 3, and J i mmont, verse 5. He who otherwise prays this Psal mwi th reverence wi l l be general l y received wi th great favor. 'PSALM TO FIND OUT NAME OF ROBBER PSALM TO TURN SORROW INTO JOYPSALM 1 6. -This Psal m is i mportant and can be profi tabl y employed i n di fferent undertaki ngs. As for example, 1st. I f any onehas been robbed, he must proceed as fol l ows: Take mud or sl i meand sand out of a stream, mix them together, then wri te the namesof al l suspected persons upon smal l sl i ps of paper and appl ythe mixture on the reverse s i de of the sl i ps; afterwards laythem i n a l arge and clean basi n, f i l led for this purpose with fresh water from the stream -lay them i n the water one by one,and at the same ti me pray this Psal m over them ten ti mes wi ththe prayer adapted to it keepi ng i n mi nd at 1 5 the same ti methe name of Caar, that i s, livi ng, whi ch name is to be found i nthe words of si xth verse, as fol lows: Chabal i m, and Al ei , andi f the name of the real thief is written upon the sl i p, thatupon whi ch hi s name is wri tten wi l l rise to the surface. Theprayer i s as fol lows: let i t be thy wi l l , Eel , Caar, the livi ng Cod to make known the name of the thief, who stol e from me (here name that whi ch was stolen). Cod grant that the name of thethilf. i f i t i s among the names, may ari se before thy eyes, andthus be made known to mi ne and al l others who are present, thatthy name may be gl ori fied: grant i t for the sake of thy hol yname. Amen -Sel ah! 2. Whoever prays thi s Psal m dai l y wi threverence, and i n chi l dl i ke trust upon the eternal l ove andgoodness of Cod, di rected to ci rcumstances, wi l l have al l hi ssorrows changed i nto joy. Fi nal ly, itls said, that the dai lyprayi ng of this Psal m wi l l change enemies i nto fri ends, andwi l l di sperse al l pai n and sorrow. -PSALM TO KEEP SECURE FROMALL EVIL PSALM 1 7. -A traveler, who prays thi s Psal m the properprayer, i n the name of J ah, wi l l be secure from al l evi l fortwenty-four hours. Rise earl y i n the morni ng, wi th vi gor,together with prayer as fol lows: May it be thy hol y wi l l, Oh Jah, J enora, to make my j ourney prosperous to lead me in pl easantpaths, to protect me from al l evi l , and to bri ng me safely backto my loved ones, for thy mi ghty and adorabl e name' s sake. Amen.The two letters of the hol y name J ah are taken from the wordsShoddi ni , verse 9; and Mi rmal , verse 1 . 1 6 PSALM IF YOU AREABOUT TO BE ATTACKED PSALM 1 8. -I f robbers are about to attackyou, pray thi s Psal m qui ckly but fervently, wi th the prayer belongi ng to it, wi th confi dence in the hol iest name of Eel J ah,that i s, mighty, al l -merci ful and compassi onate God, therobbers wi l l leave you suddenly, wi thout i nfl i cti ng the slightest i njury upon you. The letters necessary to make the hol yname of God are contai ned i n the words, Ai sher, verse 1 ; Shoal, verse 1; Tami n, verse 33, and Haol , verse 47. The prayer i sthe fol l owi ng: "Mi ghty, al l-merci ful and compassi onate God,Eel J ah! may i t be pl easi ng to thy most holy wi l l , to defendme agai nst approachi ng robbers, and protect me agai nst al lenemi es, opposers and evi l ci rcumstances, for thi ne i s thepower and thou canst hel p. Hear me for the sake of thy most hol yname, Eel J ah. Amen-Sel ah! -I s there a si ck person wi th you,wi th whom the usual bndi ly remedies have fai led, f i l l a small f l ask wi th ol ive oil and water pronounce over it, wi threverence, the ei ghteenth Psal m, anoi nt the l i mbs of the patient, and pray a suitabl e prayer i n the name of Eel J ah, and hewi l l soon recover. PSALM FOR A PROTRACTED AND DANGEROUSCONFINEMENT PSALM 1 9. -Duri ng a protracted and dangerous confinement take earth from a crossroad, write upon i t the f ive fi rstverses of this Psal m, and l ay it upon the abdomen of the parturient; al low i t to remai n unti l the bi rth is accompl i shed, butno longer, and in the meanti me pray this enti re Psal m seven times i n successi on, wi th the proper hol y name of God and theappropri ate prayer. The hol y name of thi s Psal m consists of twol etters from the most hol y name J ehovah. He, whi ch, accordi ngto the tradi ti on of the Kabal i sts, are of great power, and which embrace the socal led ten Sepi roth or reckoni ngs, and otherdeep mysteries. The prayer i s as fol lows: lord of heaven andearth! May i t pl ease thee graci ously to be wi th thi sparturient, N. , daughter of R. , who i s f luctuati ng between life and death; amel iorate her sufferi ngs, and hel p her and thefruit of her body that she may soon be del i vered. Keep her andher chi l d i n perfect heal th and grant her l ife, for the sakeof the holy name, He. Amen. -Sel ah! -Do you desi re your son topossess an open and broad heart, so that he may become an aptstudent and understand the lessons pl aced before hi m readi l y,then speak thi s Psal m over a cup f i l led wi th wi ne and honey,pronounce al so the holy name and an appropriate prayer over it,and let the l ad dri nk of i t, and your desi res wi l l be real ized. Fi nal ly, it i s cl ai med that thi s Psal m i s effectual in drivi ng away evi l spi ri ts. I t i s necessary, however, topray thi s Psal m, wi th the hol y name and an appropri ate prayerseven ti mes over the person possessed of the evi l spi ri t. Theletters of the name He are contai ned i n the words Hashamai j i m,verse 2 and Begoal i , verse 6. .1 7 PSALM TO BECOME FREE FROMDANGER AND SUFFERING PSALM 20. -Mix i n a vessel , rose-oi l ,water and sal t, pray over it seven ti mes in the most hol y name Jeho, thi s Psal m and a sui tabl e prayer, in a low voice and wi threverence, then anoi nt with thi s oi l your face and hands andspri nkl e i t on your clothi ng, and you wi l l remai n free fromal l danger and sufferi ng for that day. Are you summoned to appearbefore the j udge i n person, i n a j udicial tri al , you shoul davai l yourself of the above means shortl y beforehand, and by sodoi ng you wi l l surel y be j usti fied and depart wi thoutrestrai nt. The prayer i n the l ast case i s as fol l ows: Lordand judge of al l the Worl d! Thou holdest the heartsof al l men inthy power and movest them accordi ng to thy holy wi l l ; grantthat I may fi nd grace and favor i n the s ight of my j udges andthose pl aced above me i n power, and di spose thei r hearts to mybest i nterests. Grant that I may be favored wi th a reasonabl eand favorabl e verdi ct, that I may be j usti fi ed by it, and thatI may freely go from hence. Hear me, merci ful bel oved Father, andful f i l l my desi re, for the sake of thy great and adorabl ename, J eho. Amen. -Sel ah! -The letters of the hol y name J ehoare contai ned in the words: Asnah, verse 2; Sel a, verse 4; andKorem, verse 1 0. PSALM FOR DANGER AT SEA PSALM 21 . -Duri ng anexi sti ng storm at sea, when there is danger at hand, mix roseoi l, water, sal t and resi n, pronounce over i t s lowl y thi s Psalm, and the hol y name J eaen, and then pour the consecrated sal vei nto the foami ng sea whi l e utteri ng the fol l owi ng prayer:Lord of the worl d! Thou rulest the pride of the foami ng and roaring sea, and cal mest the terri bl e noise of the waves. May i t please thee, for the sake of thy most holy name J ehach, to cal m thestorm, and to del iver us merci ful ly from thi s danger. Amen -Selah ! -The letters of thi s hol y name are contai ned i n the words:J ehovah, verse 2; Duma, verse 1 4; and Ki , verse 1 3. I f youhave a peti ti on to present to the ki ng, or to some other personi n hi gh power, pronounce thi s Psal m over a mi xture of ol iveoi l and resi n, and at the same ti me thi nk of the hol y name ofJ ehach, anoi nt your face, and prar i n fai th and i n confi dencea prayer sui tabl e to your ci rcumstances, and then you maycomfort yourself wi th the assurance that you wi l l be favorabl yreceived and receive grace. PSALM TO KEEP ALL MISFORTUNE AWAY PSALM22. -If a travel er prays thi s Psal m seven ti mes dai ly, wi ththe appropri ate di vi ne name, Aha, and a prayer arranged according to surroundi ng ci rcumstances, i n f ul l trust i n the mi ghtyprotection of our exal ted and most merci ful God, no mi sfortunewi l l happen to hi m. Shoul d he travel by water nei ther pi ratesnor storms can harm hi m, and i f he travel s by l and he wi l l besafe from harm, by beasts and men. 1 8 The l etters of this hol yname are found i n the words: E li , verse 2; Assab, verse 33.PSALM TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTION OR INFORMATION THROUGH A DREAM ORVISION PSALM 23. -Shoul d you desire to receive reli abl e instructi ons i n regard to somethi ng through a vision or i n adream, then purify yoursel f by fasti ng and bathing, pronounce thePsal m with the hol y name Jah seven ti mes, and pray at the end ofeach reti tion. Lord of the Worl d! notwi thstanding thy unutterable mighty power, exal tation and gl ory, thou wi l t sti l l l end alisteni ng ear to the prayer of thy humblest creature, and wi l tful fi l his desi res. Hear my prayer al so, lovi ng Father, and let i t be pl easi ng to thy most hol y wi l l to reveal unto me ina dream, whether (here the affai r of whi ch a correct knowl edge is desi red must be pl ai nly stated) as thou didst often revealthrough dreams the fate of our forefathers. Grant me my peti tionfor the sake of thy adorabl e name, J ah. Amen -Sel ah! -Theletters of the hol y name J ah, contai n the words: J ehovah, verse1 ; Napschi, verse 3; and accordi ng to the al phabeti cal orderAasch Bechar, accordi ng to which the letters He and Nun becometransposed. PSALM TO ESCAPE DANGER OF FLOODS PSALMS 24 and 25. -Although the contents of these two Psal ms differ materi al ly i nrespect to thei r mysti cal uses, they are equal and ali ke i npower and action. Whoever repeats these Psal ms dai ly i n themorni ng wi th feelings of devotion, wi l l escape from thegreatest danger, and the devastati ng fl ood wi l l not harm hi m.The hol y name i s cal led E li , and i s found i n the words ofthe twenty-fi fth Psal m; E lecha, verse 1; Lemaan, 'verse 1 1 ,and Mi, verse 1 2. PSALM FOR SOMEONE WHO IS TO UNDERGO SEVEREIMPRISONMENT PSALM 26.-When i mmi nent dangers threaten, whether byl and or by water, or some one shoul d be cal led upon to undergosevere i mpri sonmelt, he shoul d pr ay this Psal m with theindicated holy name of E l ohe, and with an appr opri ate prayer,and then he may confidently look forard to an earl y rel ease frompri son. You wi l l find the letters of this hol y name in thewords: Aisher, verse 1 0; Li schmoa, verse 7; Lo, verse 4 (afterthe order of At Basch), and Chattai m, verse 9. PSALM TO RECEIVEHOSPITALITY PSALM 27. -I f you wi sh to be wel l and ki ndl yreceived in a strange ci ty, and desi re to be hospi tabl yentertai ned, repeat this Psal m upon your j ourney agai n and again, wi th reverence, and in f ul l confidence that God wi l ldispose the hearts of men to receive and entertai n you ki ndl y. 19 REMARK BY THE TRANSLATOR Si nce the author has nei ther a hol yname nor prayer for the above Psal m, it may be presumed that thefrequent repeti ti on of the Psal m is suffici ent for al lpurposes i ntended. PSALM TO BECOME RECONCILED WITH YOUR ENEMYPSALM 28. -Do you wish your enemy to become reconci l ed to you?Pronounce thi s Psal m, wi the appropriate hol y name Aile, and asui tabl e prayer trusti ng i n the power and readi ness of theGreat Rul er of hearts, and so, your wi sh wi l l be ful lyrealized. The two letters of thi s hol y name are contai ned i n ,the words: Ledavi d, verse 1; and Al l aol am, according to theorder of At Basch. PSALM TO CAST OUT AN EVIL SPIRIT PSALM 29. -This Psal m is hi ghl y recommended for casti ng out an evi l spi rit.The manner of proceedi ng i s as fol lows: Take seven spl i ntersof the osi er and seven l eaves of a date pal m that never borefrui t, pl ace them i n a pot fi l l ed wi th water upon whi ch thesun never shone, and repeat over i t i n the eveni ng, thi s Psal mwith the most hol y name of Aha, ten ti mes wi th great reverence;and then in ful l trust in the power of God, set the pot upon theearth in the open ai r, and l et i t remai n there unti l the fol lowi ng eveni ng. Afterwards pour the whol e of it, at the door ofthe possessed, and the Ruach Roah, that i s, the evi l spi rit, wil l surel y depart. The two letters of this hol y name are contained in the words J ehovah, verse 1 1 , and accordi ng to the alphabeti cal order cal led A jack Bechar and Habre, verse 2. REMARKSBY THE TRANSLATOR Wi th thi s Psal m al so there is no prescri bedprayer gi ven. PSALM TO BE SAFE FROM ALL EVIL OCCURRENCES PSALM 30.-Whoever prays this Psal m dai ly, shal l be safe from al l evi loccurrences. The hol y name is Eel , and may be found in the words:Aromi mdha, verse 2; and Lemaan, verse 1 2. BY THE TRANSLATOR ThisPsal m and the fol l owi ng are al so wi thout a prescribed prayer.PSALM TO ESCAPE VEXATION PSALM 31 . -Woul d you escape sl anders,and are you desi rous that evi l tongues may do you no harm orcause you vexation, repeat this Psal m i n a low voice, wi thcommendabl e devoti on, over a smal l quantity of pure oi l , andanoi nt your face and hands wi th i t i n the name of J a h. 20 Thel etters consti tuti ng thi s holy name are found in the words: Palteni , verse 2, and Hammesachl i m, verse 22. REMARK: The translator regards it necessary to remark once for al l , that prayersespeci al l y adapted to these as wel l as many of the fol l owi ngPsal ms are wanti ng, and that the author undoubtedly thought thatthe prayers already gi ven woul d enabl e each one to extemporize asui tabl e prayer. Thi s presumpti on i s the more probabl e, s ince we fi nd further on i n the work, that the author exhorts al lto engage i n prayer to God, wi thout pescri bi ng any parti cul arform. Anothe-i rcumstance, however, rel ated to the hol y names,and i f these are wanti ng i t was so ordered by the ancient Kabalists, and on thi s account i t shoul d be parti cul arl y noted atal l ti mes. PSALM TO RECEIVE GRACE, LOVE AND MERCY PSALM 32.-Whoever prays thi s Psal m dai ly receives grace, love and mercy.With this Psal m wi l l be found nei ther holy name nor prayer.PSALM TO KEEP CHILDREN ALIVE PSALM 33. -Have you been unfortunatein respect to the constant death of your chi l dren at bi rth,pronounce thi s Psal m wi th the hol iest name J ehovah, over pureol ive oi l and anoi nt your wife, therewith, and the chi l drenborn to you thereafter wi l l l ive. At the ti me of a general famine, the i nhabi tants of the affl i cted di strict shoul d praythis Psal m wi th united hearts and powers, and they wi l l surel ybe heard. The Letters of thi s hol y name you wi l l fi nd in Lajehovah, verse 2, Hodu, verse 3, Azath, verse 9, and Hejozer, verse1 4. PSALM TO HAVE HIGH PEOPLE RECEIVE YOU FAVORABLY PSALM 34.-Have you resolved to vi si t a pri nce or another person hi gh i nauthori ty, pronounce thi s Psal m and the Hol y name Pele, that is, Wonderful , bri efl y before appeari ng i n thei r presence andyou wi l l be received pl easantl y and fi nd favor. The l ettersof thi s holy name are found in the words, Paude, verse 23; Lifue,verse 1 , and Kara, verse 7. Even so thi s Psal m i s hi ghyrecommended to each traveler, for i f he prays i t di l i gently hewi l l surel y fi ni sh his journey in safety. PSALM FOR A LAWSUITPSALM 35. -Have you a l awsui t pendi ng i n whi ch you are opposedby unrighteous, revengeful and quarrel some people, then pray thi sPsal m with its 'holy name j ah, earl y in the morni ng for threesuccessive days, and you wi l l surel y wi n your ca-e. 21 Theletters composi ng thi s hol y name are contai ned i n the words,Lochmi , verse 1; and i n Wezi nna verse 2. PSALM AGAINST AO LIBELPSALM 36. -Agai nst al l evi l and sl anderous l i bel s pray thi sPsal m, and they wi l l cause you no i nj ury. The hol y name ofthi s Psal m i s found i n the words: Arven, verse 6; Mischpatecha, verse 7; Tehom, verse 7. PSALM FOR ANYONE WHO HAS DRUNKTOO MUCH PSALM 37. -I f any one has drunken so much wi ne as tolose hi s reason, and i n consequence fears are entertai ned for his safety, then qui ckl y pour water i nto a pi tcher, pronounce this Psal m over i t and bathe hi s head and face wi th theconsecrated water, and gi ve hi m al so to dri nk of i t. PSAlM IFTHE LAW IS TAKING MEASURES TO PUNISH YOU PSALM 38 and 39. -I f youhave been so much sl andered that the ki ng and the officers of thel aw have been turned agai nst you, and are taki ng measures topuni sh you, ari se earl y, at the break of day and go out i ntothe fi el ds. Pray these Psal ms and their hol y name seven ti meswi th great devotion, and fast the enti re day. The hol y name ofthe f i rst Psal m i s Aha, and of the second He, taken from thewords Hascha, verse 1 4; and Amarti , verse 2. PSALM TO FREEYOURSELF FROM EVIL SPIRITS PSALM 40. -The pri nci pal characteristi cs of thi s Psal m is that, by its use, we can free ourselvesfrom evi l spi rits, i f we pray i t dai l y. The hol y name i s Jah, and i s found i n the words: Schauai ti , verse 2, and Chuscha,verse 1 4. PSALM IF ENEMIES HAVE MADE YOU LOSE MONEY AND CAUSED YOUTO BE MISTRUSTED PSALMS 41 and 43. -I f your enemi es have despoi led you of credi t and caused you to be mi strusted, and therebyreduce your earni ngs, or perhaps depri ve you of your offi ce andi nstal l ed another i n your pl ace, you shoul d pray these threeti mes a day for three successi ve days, together wi th a prayerthat i s appropri ate to your ci rcumstances, and by doi ng thisyou wi l l perceive i ncredi bl e thi ngs. Your enemi es wi l l beput to shame and you wi l l be unscathed. The 42nd Psal m possessesthi s pecul i ar characteri sti c. If you wish to be sure in regardto a certai n cause, and desi re to obtai n i nformati on through adream, you must fast one day and shortly before reti ri ng to restyou must pray thi s Psal m and the hol y name Zawa, (whi ch meansLord of Hosts) -22 bel ongi ng to the Psal m, seventi mes, maki ngknown your desi res, each ti me, in an appropri ate prayer in which your wi shes shoul d be pl ai nly named. PSALM TO BECOME SAFEFROM ENEMIES PSALM 44. -I f you wi sh to be safe from your enemi esthe frequent prayi ng of thi s Psa,l m wi l l , i t is sai d,answer your expectati ons. PSALM FOR MAKING PEACE BETWEEN MAN ANDWIFE PSALMS 45 and 46.-These two Psal ms are sai d to possess thevi rtue of maki ng peace between man and wi fe, and, especi al ly,to tame cross wi ves. The sayi ng i s namely: Whoever has a scol ding wife, let him pronounce the 45th Psal m over pure ol ive oi l ,and anoi nt his body wi th it, when his wi fe, in the future wil lbe more lovable and fri endl y. But i f a man has i nnocently incurred the enmity of hi s wi fe, and desi res a proper return ofconj ugal love and peace, let hi m pray the 46th Psal m over ol iveoi l , and anoi nt hi s wife thoroughl y wi th it, and, i t i s said, marri ed love wi l l agai n return. The hol y name i s Adojah,(thi s name i s composed of the fi rst syl l abl es of the two mosthol y names of God, Adonai and J ehovah). .The l etters are in thewords: E l ohi m, verse 2; Meod, verse 2; J ehovah verse 8, and Sela, verse 1 2. PSALM TO MAKE YOURSELF BELOVED BY YOUR FELLOW-MENPSALM 47. -Do you wi sh to be beloved, respected and wel l receivedby al l your fel l ow- men, pray thi s Psal m seven ti mes daily.PSALM TO STRIKE TERROR IN YOUR ENEMIES PSALM 48. -I f you have manyenemi es wi thout cause, who hate you out of pure envy, pray thi sPsal m often, and wi th i t thi nk of the holy name Sach whi chmeans Pure, Cl ear and Transparent, and your enemi es wi l l be seized wi th fear, terror, and anxi ety, and in the future they wi l lno more attempt to i nj ure you. The letters of the holy name areto be found i n the words: Achasatam, verse 7, and Ki , verse 1 4.PSALM TO OVERCOME FEVER IN A MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY PSALMS 49 and50. -I s one of your fami l y burdened wi th a severe and perhaps incurabl e fever, then take a new pen and i nk prepared for thi spurpose, and wri te the 49th Psal m and the fi rst si x verses ofthe 50th Psal m, together wi th the appropri ate hol y nameSchaddi, whi ch si gni fies Al mi ghty, and whi ch bel ongs tothese Psal ms, upon pure parchment prepared for thi s parti cul arcase, and hang it around the patient' s neck wi th a si l ken string. The letters composi ng the di vi ne name, Schaddei can be foundi n the words of the 49th Psal m, Schi mma, verse 1; Adaw, verse 3,and Wi kas, verse 8. 23 REMARKS BY THE TRANSLATOR ( Shou l d someone choose to wri te and wear tal i sman such as i s descri bed onpage 23, we woul d k i ndl y advi se hi m to procure parchment, ink and pen from a J ewi sh writer of the ten commandments). It i sasserted that whosoever wears the 50th Psal m, wri tten as abovedescri bed, upon his person, wi l l be safe from al l danger, andescape from al l the machi nati ons of robbers. The hol y name isChai , whi ch si gni fies, Li vi ng, and the letters are taken fromthe words: Sewach, verse 5; and Anochi , verse 7. PSALM TO RECEIVEGOOD AFTER COMMITTING A HEAVY SIN PSALM 51 . -I s any one troubledwi th an anxi ous and restless consci ous on account of the commissi on of a heavy si n, then l et hi m pronounce thi s Psal m wi ththe word Dam connected wi th i t i n the mi nd, three ti mes a day,namely, earl y at noon and in the eveni ng over poppy-oi l , and atthe same time utter a prayer sui tabl e to the occasi on i n whi chthe evi l deed must be menti oned i n deep humi l ity and sorrow,whi ch must be obtai ned from the j ust yet merci ful J udge of all men through a contrite heart, then l et hi m anoi nt hi msel f with the consecrated oi l over the body, and he wi l l fi nd in a fewdays that he has found grace and that the heavy burden has beenremoved. The letters of the word Dam, through the transposi ti onof the B and M i n the words Pari m, verse 20, and Bebo, verse 2,are taken accordi ng to the order of the al phabet, AI Bam, in which the B i s taken for M. PSALM TO FREE YOURSELF FROM SLANDER PSALM52. -He who is so unfortunate as to be di sturbed through frequentsl anders i s to utter thi s Psal m dai ly i n the morni ng, and nospeci al prayer or hol y name i s needed to obtai n the benefi t ofthe Psal m. 24 PSALMS TO REVENGE YOURSELF AGAINST OPEN AND SECRETENEMIES PSALM 53 to 55. -These three Psal ms are ordai ned to beuttered by hi m who i s persecuted wi thout cause by open andsecret enemi es. If he desi res only to quiet his enemies, or f i ll them wi th fear, he must dai l y repeat the prescri bed 53rd Psalm wi th the hol y name Ai . The letters of thi s name are the first letters of the two bl essed names of God, Adonai , J ehovah,and are found in the words Amar. verse 2, and J i szmach, verse 6.If, however, he wi shes not only to be secure from thei r mi racle, but i f he also desi res to revenge hi msel f upon them, then hemust repeat the 54th Psal m wi th the prescri bed hol y name J ah.The l etters of thi s are found i n the l ast words of thi s Psalm, Eeni , and in the word l mmenu, verse 2, and i ndeed accordi ngto the Kabal i sti c rul e Gematri a, i nasmuch as the l etter He,when i t i s wri tten out si gni fi es si x i n number, and i n this manner may easi l y be taken for the l etter Vav, whi ch, incounti ng also numbers si x. Shoul d he desi re to render hi senemi es evi l for evi l , he shal l repeat the 55th Psal m withthe name Vah, whi ch contai ns both of the f i nal letters of thename J ehovah. The l etters of thi s name are found i n the words:Wattah, verse 1 2, and Haasi nad, verse 2. PSALM TO FREE YOURSELFFROM THE INFLUENCE OF PASSION PSALM 56. -Thi s Psal m isrecommended to hi m, who is desi rous of freei ng hi msel f fromthe bonds of passi on and of sense, and who i s anxi ous to be deli vered from the so-cal led J ezer Horra, whi ch means, the evi l lusts of the desi re to commi t si n. PSALMS TO MAKE YOURSELFFORTUNATE IN ANY OF YOUR UNDERTAKINGS PSALM 57. -Whosoever wi shesto be fortunate in al l hi s undertaki ngs shou ld pray thi s Psalm dai l y after the morni ng prayer in the church, and with i t thehol y name Chai , si gni fyi ng Li vi ng, whi ch name he shoul dkeep constantly in hi s mi nd. The two l etters of thi s name arecontai ned i n the words: Chonneni , verse 2, and in E l ohi m,verse 6. PSALM TO PROTECT FROM HARM WHEN A VICIOUS DOG ATTACKS YOUPSALM 58. -I f you shoul d be attacked by a vi ci ous dog, pray this Psal m qui ckly, and the dog wi l l not harm you. 25 PSALM TOMAKE YOURSELF SAFE FROM BEING POSSESSED WITH EVIL PSALM 59. -Woul dyou be enti rel y free from the J ezor Horra, that i s, from the incl i nati on whi ch al l men possess to do evi l , and the si nfulappetites and passi ons whi ch often overcome them, then pray thi sPsal m from the second verse to the end, for three days in succession, at early noon and i n the eveni ng, and the hol y name bel onging thereto, namel y Pal ti oel , whi ch si gni fies Strong God, MyRescuer and Savi our; al so, pray the prescri bed prayer, and youwi l l become aware of the most wonderful changes wi thi n yourself. The prayer i s as fol lows: Lord, my Father and the Father of mine, mi ghty God! May i t pl ease thee for the sake of thy Great,hol y and adorabl e name, Pal ti oel , to rel ease me from the Jezer Harra (from my evi l desi res and passi ons and from al l evil thoughts and acts), as thou di dst the author of thi s Psal mwhen he prayed to thee. Amen. -Sel ah! The letters of the hol yname of Pal ti oel may be found i n the words, Pi schi i , verse 3;E l ohi m, verse 5; Chattati, verse 3; J ehovah, verse 8; Aschi r,verse 1 5, and Maschel , verse 1 4. PSALM TO MAKE SOLDIERS SAFEFROM INJURY PSALM 60. -I f you are a sol di er in any army, and areabout marchi ng i nto the fi el d, repeat thi s Psal m, keepi ng inmi nd the holy name of J ah, and at the concl usi on of eachrepetition of the Psal m, utter a sui tabl e prayer in f ul l rel iance upon the endl ess omni potence of Hi m, who can gi ve the victory where he wi l l , and you wi l l be enabl ed to return toyour home uni nj ured. The two letters of the holy name J ah, arecontai ned i n the word Zarenu, verse 1 4, as the l ast word of this Psal m, and i n Lel ammed, verse 1 . PSALM TO MAKE YOUR HOMELUCKY PSALM 61 . -When you are about to take possessi on of a newdwel l i ng, repeat thi s Psal m j ust before movi ng i n, wi th asui tabl e prayer, trusti ng in the name of Schaddei , and you wi ll experience bl essi ng and good fortune. The letters composi ngthis name are taken from the words: Schi mmu, verse 2, Ken, verse9; and j om, the l ast word of thi s Psal m. I t shoul d, however,be remarked that both the l ast letters are sel ected accordi ng tothe al phabetical order of Ajack Bechar. PSALM TO RECEIVE HOLYBLESSINGS PSALM 62. -Speak thi s Psal m wi th proper reverence onSunday i mmedi ately after the eveni ng prayer, and on Monday afterthe eveni ng prayer, and on Monday after vespers, and at the sametime thi nk of the holy name l ttami , whi ch means "conceal ed, hidden, or i nvi si bl e" (whi ch most probabl y refers to the i nvisi bl e God, who covers the transgressi ons of penitent si nners)and utter the fol l owi ng prayer: Great, mi ghty and merci fulGod! may i t be thy holy wi l l to pardon me al l my si ns,transgressi ons and offences: wi l t thou 26 cover them, and bl otthem out as thou di dst the si ns and transgressi ons of hi m whouttered thi s Psal m in thy presence, wi l t thou do thi s for thesake of the adorabl e name of l ttami , Amen - Sel ah! The lettersof thi s name may be found i n the words: Achi , verse 2; jeschuate, verse 2; E mot, verse 3; Lel ohi m, verse 6, and Lei sch,verse 1 3. PSALM TO OVERCOME TROUBLE AND LOSS FROM BUSINESSPARTNERS PSALM 63. -I f you have reason to bel ieve that your business partners are about to take unfai r advantage of you, and thatyou wi l l suffer loss through them, and i f you desi re, on thi saccount, to wi thdraw from the fi rm, repeat thi s Psal m, and with i t thi nk of the holy name, J ach, ind you wi l l not onl y beabl e to wi thdraw wi thout l oss, but you wi l l obtai n furthergood fortune and bl essi ngs. The letters of thi s hol y name arecontai ned i n the words J dsj mach, verse 1 1 , and J echuda,verse 1 . PSALM FOR THOSE TRAVELLING AT SEA TO MAKE THEMSELVES SAFEAND FREE FROM ACCIDENT PSALM 64. - l n reference to thi s Psal m itis onl y necessary to say, that seafarers who dai ly pray it wi thdevotion wi l l compl ete thei r voyage wi thout acci dent, andreach their place of desti nati on in good heal th. As for therest, nei ther holy name nor especi al prayer have been consi derednecessary. PSALM TO BECOME FORTUNATE IN ALL UNDERTAKINGS PSALM 65.-Whosoever utters thi s Psal m wi th its appropri ate name J ah,persi stently, wi l l be fortunate i n al l hi s undertaki ngs, andeverythi ng that he attempts wi l l resul t to his best advantage.It i s parti cul arl y recommended to one who has a peti ti on toprefer, for it is asserted that he wi l l certai nl y obtai n hi sdes i res. The two letters of thi s hol y name are taken from thewords ) oschi ru, verse 1 4, and Dumi j ah, verse 2. PSALM WHENPOSSESSED BY AN EVIL SPIRIT PSALM 66. -I f a man is possessed of aRuack Roah (evi l spi rit), wri te thi s Psal m on parchment andhang i t upon hi m; then stretch your hands over hi m and say: Saveme, CGod, for the waters are come i nto my soul . PSALM FOR SEVEREIMPRISONMENT AND FEVER CAUSED BY EVIL INFLUENCE PSALM 67 and 68. -Both these Psal ms contai n the di vi ne name of ) a h. The letterscomposi ng i t are found i n the fi rst Psal ms and are sel ectedfrom the words: j echonnenu verse 2, and from the l ast word of theverse, Sel a. In the 27 second, on the other hand, from J akum,verse 2, and from A ora, verse 36. The fi rst shoul d be payabl e in a protracted case of fever, or i n severe i mpri sonment. Thesecond, on the contrary shoul d be prayed over a vessel f i l ledwi th water upon whi ch the sun never shone, in a low voice, and in the name of the patient, and then work hi s body with the water,and the evi l spi ri t wi l l depart from hi m. PSALM TO FREEYOURSELF FROM THE SLAVERY OF SENSUOUSNESS AND TO CONQUER ENEMIESPSALM 69 and 70. -The fi rst of these Psal ms shoul d be uttereddai l y over water, by the li berti ne and sensual i st, who is soconfi rmed in hi s evi l habits, as to become a sl ave to them, andwho, however much he may desi re to escape these habi ts, i s unable to do so. After havi ng prayed thi s Psal m over the water heshoul d dri nk of it. The second shoul d be prayed by hi m who desires to conquer hi s enemi es. Nei ther of these two Psal ms haveprescribed holy name or prayer. PSALM TO RECEIVE POWER OFLIBERATING ONE FROM PRISON PSALM 71 . -With thi s Psal m there is li kewi se nei ther hol y name nor prayer, but i t is sai d to havethe power to l i berate any one from pri son, who wi l l for a time pray it reverenti al l y seven ti mes a day. PSALM TO MAKEYOURSELF FOREVER SAFE FROM POVERTY PSALM 72. -Write thi s Psal m with the name Aha, i n the usual manner, upon pure parchment, andsuspend it around your neck, and you wi l l become a uni versalfavori te, and fi nd favor and grace from al l men; you may then li ve unconcerned, for you can never come to poverty. The letters ofthe hol y name are taken from the words: E l ohi m, verse 1 ; and Jeasshruhu, verse 1 7. PSALM 73 to 83. -Si nce these el even Psal mshave nei ther hol y names nor parti cul ar closi ng prayers, I shall , i n order to economi ze on space, record the pecul i ar virtues ascri bed to each one for the good of manki nd. The 73rd Psalm shoul d be repeated reverentl y seven ti mes dai l y by those whoare compel led to soj ourn in a heathen, i dol atrous or i nfi delcountry, and by doi ng so, no one need feel afrai d that he wi l lbe i nduced to deny hi s fai th. The frequent and earnest prayer ofthe 74th Psal m i s sai d to defeat the persecuti on embi ttered byenemies, and wi l l frustrate the oppressi ons of the sel f-mighty, weal th-seeki ng, hard-hearted people, and wi l l at the sameti me bri ng them to a terri bl e end. The devout prayer of the74th Psal m wi l l effect the forgiveness of si ns. 28 The 76thPsal m is sai d to be the qui ckest and most effective defence against danger from f i re and water. Whosoever prays the 77th Psal mdai ly wi l l not be overtaken by want or danger. Whosoever praysthe 78th Psal m earnestly and often, wi l l be beloved andrespected by ki ngs and pri nces and wi l l receive favor fromthem. The frequent prayer of the 79th Psal m, i t i s sai d, i sfatal to enemi es and opponents. The constant and i ndustri ousprayer of the 80th and 81 st Psal ms is sai d to be a happy meas ofsavi ng men from fal l i ng i nto unbel ief and saves them alsofrom other errors. The prayer of the 82nd Psal m wi l l assi st anenvoy to transact hi s busi ness toward the l ast word of thi sPsal m, and i n Lel ammed, verse 1 . You shoul d write the 83rdPsal m properly, upon pure parchment, and suspend i t around yourneck, and by so doi ng you wi l l abi de safel y i n war, avoi ding defeat and capti vi ty. If you shoul d, however, be overcome,your captors wi l l not harm you, for even in capti vi ty no harmcan befal l you. PSALM 84. -When a man, through a severe andprotracted i l l ness has acqui red a repul sive, di sgusti ng andbad odor, he shoul d pronounce thi s Psal m wi th the prescri bedhol y name of Af, whi ch means Father, over a pot of water upon which the sun never shone, and then pour the water al l over hi mself, and the bad smel l wi l l leave hi m. The l etters of the hol yname Af, are found i n the words: Zebarth, verse 2, and i n Bach,verse 6. PSALM 85. -Do you wi sh that your former fri end, but whonow l i ves at enmity wi th you, shoul d agai n be reconci led toyou, i f you can di scover no di sposi ti on on hi s part to make it up with you, then go out i nto an open f i el d, turn your facetowards the South, and pronounce thi s Psal m, wi th i ts prescribed holy name Vah, seven ti mes in successi on, and he wi l lapproach and receive you in great fri endshi p. PSALM 86 to 88.-These three Psal ms agai n are left wi thout a hol y name, andthere i s nothi ng further sai d about them, than that a personshoul d accustom hi msel f to pray them often, because by so doi ngmuch good can be done and much evi l avoided. The frequent praying, of the 85th Psal m especi al ly, i s sai d to promote the welfare of the communi ty and the congregati on. PSALM 89. -Shoul done of your own fami l y or dear fri ends waste away so rapi dly, in consequence of a severe i l l ness, so that they are al readynear col l apse, and usel ess, speak thi s Psal m over ol ive oi land pour the oi l over the wool that has been shorn from a wetheror a ram, and wi th i t anoi nt the body and l i mbs of thepatient, and he wi l l speedi ly recover. If your fri end is underarrest, and you desi re hi s l i berati on, go i nto an open f i eld, rai se your eyes toward heaven and repeat thi s Psal m, wi th a29 prayer suited to the ci rcumstances, whi ch shoul d be uttered in f ul l confidence i n God. PSAlM 90. -Shoul d you acci dental lyencounter a l ion i n the forest, or shoul d you be deceived,cheated or pl agued by an evi l spi rit or ghost, then grasp inyour mi nd the name of God (Schaddei ) and repeat this Psal m, andthey wi l l wi thdraw themsel ves. But you wi l l be sti l l moresecure when such a danger shoul d arise, if you pray the fol l owing 91 st Psal m in connection wi th the 90th, at one and the sameti me. PSAlM 91 . -The hol y name of thi s Psal m i s E l , whi chmeans Strong God. After speaki ng thi s Psal m, and the precedi ngone, over a person tormented by an evi l spi rit, or one affl icted by an i ncurabl e disease, in the name of Eel Schaddei , thenpray humbl y: let it be thy hol y pl easure, oh my God! to takefrom N. , son of R. , the evi l spi ri t by whi ch he i stormented, for the sake of thy great, mi ghty and holy name E lSchaddei . Wi l t thou presently send hi m heal th and l et hi m beperfectly restored. Hear hi s prayer as thou once di d that of thyservant Moses when he prayed this Psal m. let his prayer penetrateto thee as once the hol y i ncense arose to thee on high. Amen. Selah! The two l etters of the name, Eel are contai ned i n the wordsJ eschuti , verse 1 6, and Orech, verse 1 6. Agai n write thi sPsal m i n connection wi th the l ast verse of the previous Psal mupon cl ean parchment, and conceal i t behi nd the door of yourhouse, and you wi l l be secure from al l evil acci dents. Kabal ists ascri be to thi s Psal m when taken i n connecti on wi th theabove verse, the most wonderful vi rtue, when i t i s used i naccordance wi th the nature of exi sti ng ci cumstances, and whenit i s combi ned wi th other scri ptural passages, holy names ofangel s, characters and prayers, it i s sai d, for exampl e: Prayerthrough whi ch al l di stress, danger and sufferi ng may be turnedasi de. I f any one shoul d be i n danger of hi s l i fe, or becomedistressed, be it what i t may, such as bei ng attacked by an incurabl e di sease, pesti l ence, fi re or water, overwhel med byenemi es or murderers, in battles, si eges, robberies, cl ose impri sonment, etc., l et him confess his si ns fi rst of al l , andthen speak the Vi hi Nasmprayer (the name by whi ch the 91 st Psalm wi th the aforesai d verse i s usual l y known), ni nety-ni ne times, accordi ng to the number of the two hol iest names of God, Jehovah Adonei . Each time when he comes to the fourteenth verse,"Because he hath set his love upon me," etc. , he shal l keep i nmi nd the hol y name, and then pray devoutly each time: "Thou artthe most holy, ki ng over al l that i s revealed and hi dden,exalted above al l that i s hi gh, sancti fy and gl orify thyadorable name i n this thy world, so that al l the nati ons of theearth may know that thi ne i s the gl ory and the power, and thatthou hast secured me from al l di stress, but especi al l y out ofpai nful emergency (here the object of the prayer must be di stinctl y stated), whi ch has overtaken N. , son of R. And I herewithpromise and vow that I wi l l now and ever after thi s, as l ong asI shal l l ive upon the earth, and unti l I return to the dust fromwhi ch I was taken. " ( Here the vow must be verbal ly stated, 30stati ng what we wi l l do, perform or gi ve i n the servi ce ofour Creator. The vow may consi st in fasti ng, gi vi ng al ms, orin the dai ly readi ng of several chapters of the Hol y Scriptures. Psal ms, of the Sohar or of the Tal mud, rel easi ng ofcaptives. nurs i ng the si ck and buryi ng the dead. ) "Prai sed beJ ehovah, my Rock and my Sal vati on. Thou wi l t be myrepresentative and i ntercessor, and wi l t hel p me, for thou helpest thy poor, feebl e and humbl e creature, and i n ti me of needreleasest from fear and danger, and deal est merci ful ly wi th thypeople; merci ful and forgi vi ng, thou hearest the prayer of everyone. Prai sed art thou, J ehovah, thou who hearest my prayer." (Thelast words shoul d be repeated seven ti mes at each endi ng of theprayer. ) And now, whoever wi l l . punctual ly observe the foregoing i nstructi ons three days i n successi on, i n ful l trust i nthe mighty hel p of God, he may rest assured of the assistance which he desi res. Kabal i sts, and especi al l y the cel ebratedRabbi I saac Lori a have assured us that in a ti me of pesti l enceor general emergency, the Vi hi Noamprayer shoul d be prayed seventi mes daily connecti ng wi th it in the mi nd the fi gure of thegolden candl esti ck, when it i s composed of forty-one holy and important words and names of thi s Psal m wi th whi ch we shoul despeci al ly consi der the hol y names in thei r order. The fol lowi ng are the names. Vean Mi i , Aab. A an, l ma, Beoba. Ai m,Tmol , Tetak, lakad. Schi n, l mi lets. Veal , Betu, Mi l i , Aki ., Mi z, Vetat, Pesch, l ba, Ktaz. Mehoh, (See gureA -page3 2) lir, l bak. Beni , J aub, Wi ch, ll u, Uma, Rul , Kuck At cham,Raasch, Ana. After thi s shoul d be spoken verses, 21 -26, chapterxi i , of Exodus, and wi th them keepi ng i n mi nd the namescontai ned i n the 23rd and 26th verses. in the fol l owi ng order:Awal , J ahel , I to, l uj, Husch, Aha, l mo, Vi i . As al so Vohu,Uha, Bam. Bi l i . Zel , Holo, Vesop, and fi nal ly the holy name:Ni schaszl es. And now. he who observes al l these thi ngs to thevery letter, and who can keep i n hi s memory al l the letters, points or vowel s, he shal l be safe from al l danger, shal l be asstrong as steel, so that, no fi rearms can harm hi m. The certainty of this i s shown by the Kabal i sts, because the l etter Sei ji d i s not to be found i n the enti re Psal m, and si nce the wordSei j i n or Ki e Sei j i n embraces wi thi n its meani ng al ldeadly weapons, this concl usi on i s enti rel y correct. 31REMARkS BY THE TRANSLATOR The extraordi nary powers ascri bed tothe 91 st Psal m may al l be ri ght and proper enough, but it i sto be regretted that the reader cannot avai l hi msel f of itsbenefi ts, espeCi al ly i n the l ast experiment, because al l therecorded hol y names consi st of the fi rst letter of al l thewords of the 91 st Psal m, and l i kewi se of the 23rd and 28thverses of Exodus, chapter xi i , a passage whi ch has al ready beenquoted. I t i s, therefore, i mpossi bl e to pronounce thi s name,properly, nei ther can it be transl ated i nto E ngl i sh or i ntoany other l anguage. And how shal l we then memori ze the fi rst letters of each word of the Psal ms together with the poi nts orvowels bel ongi ng to them? I f any one, notwithstandi ng the diffi cul ti es attendi ng the use of thi s Psal m, shoul d desi reto avai l hi msel f of its vi rtues, then he must undertake theburdensome task of l earni ng the Hebrew l anguage, or he must write it, and wear it upon hi s heart as an amulet. PSALM 92. -He whodesi res to attai n to high honors; l et him take wi th thi sobject i n vi ew, a new pot f i l led wi th water. Pl ace i n i tmyrtl e and vi ne leaves, and pronounce over it, with perfecttrust. the fol l owi ng Psal ms, namel y, 92, 94, 23, 20. 24, and 10, three ti mes i n successi on, and at each time let hi m wash himsel f out of the pot and afterward anoi nt hi s face and whol ebody wi th the water; then turn hi s face toward the north, pray toGod for the ful fi l l ment of hi s desi res, and he wi l l seewonderf ul thi ngs. He wi l l be astoni shed wi th hi s ever-increasi ng good fortune. He wi l l al so. in a wonderf ul manner,advance f rom one post of honor to another. PSALM 93. -There i snothi ng speci al recorded of this Psal m, other than that it i shi ghl y recommended to any one who has a sui t wi th a stern andunj ust opponent. The proper use of thi s Psal m. it is sai d, wi ll surel y wi n hi m hi s cause. (Figure A.) FW. 32 PSALM 94. -I fyou have a hard, unyi el di ng and bi tter enemy, who oppresses yousorel y and causes you great anxi ety, repai r to an open fi el don Monday, take some i ncense, i nto your mouth, turn wi th yourface toward the East and West, and repeat f i rst the 94th Psal mand then the 92nd, seven ti mes keepi ng i n mi nd at the same time the hol y name Eel Kanno Taf, whi ch si gni fies great, strong,zeal ous and good God, and pray each ti me at the endi ng of thesePsal ms: "May i t pl ease Thee, C great, strong, zeal ous and goodGod, to humbl e my enemy N. , son of R. , as thou once di d theenemi es of our great teacher Moses, who rests in peace, and whocompl eted thi s Psal m to thy gl ori fi cati on. let my prayerarise to thee as did the sweet smel l of i ncense from the al tarof i ncense, and let me behol d thy wonderful power. Amen! Sel ah!PSALM 95. -The appropri ate hol y name of God pecul i ar to thi sPsal m i s Eel whi ch is, great, strong God, and the l etters ar efound i n the words: Eel , verse 3, and lezur, verse 1 . The pi ousbel iever shoul d pray thi s Psal m for hi s erri ng and unbel ievi ng brethren. PSALM 96 and 97. -The holy name of these two Psalms i s J ah, and the letters of the fi rst are found in the words,J eschuato, verse 2, and Hawn, ve
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